Hi ... I'm Maddie

We all know that cane sugar is the most addictive drug on the market – plus it spikes our blood sugar, leads to acne & excess weight gain, and is associated with many chronic diseases. With all of the health foods out there today, you would think that we’d have a better sugar alternative by now. But, most “healthy” substitutes are just lab-made products, hidden by clever marketing.

So when I started my cake business, I was determined to find a sweetness that not only satisfied, but could also be enjoyed (regularly!) without feeling guilty or gross afterwards.

I tried using whole food sweeteners like agave, maple syrup and honey – but I didn't like serving my family and friends “healthy desserts” that were still loaded with excess calories. Then, I learned that even most of the alternatives labeled as “stevia” and “monk fruit” were really

98% man-made chemicals! Labels read ingredients like aspartame, sucralose, or even erythritol – and while these are “healthy” zero-calorie sweeteners, they can completely throw off your gut balance, create digestive issues, and even increase your blood sugar.

So, I got busy in the kitchen until I finally landed on the perfect recipe – a blend of coconut sugar, stevia, and monk fruit. It was low-calorie, gut-friendly, and the best part? It actually tasted really good.

I created this sweetener for myself and my loved ones, because I believe that dessert shouldn’t be a luxury, and we deserve to enjoy sweetness every day.

I hope you love it too!